FlyFishingNordic why ?

Let me introduce myself, my name is Kasper Nielsen. I am 34 years old, have a wife and two kids. My daytime job is in engineering/manufacturing. 

Fly fishing has been a hobby of mine for approximately 10+ years and gear fishing before that, as many others i started my fishing career as a kid where my dad and grandpa took me to the local streams around central Jutland, Denmark. Fishing in my teenage years was very slow, other things were apparently more important 🙂

In my early twenties I started to get and interest in fly fishing and later also fly tying so in 2017 I created what I call the RMS-1 (rotary module stand) the idea behind it was a modular fly tying system for tools, glue, thread etc. the intention at that point was to sell it, but as with many things in life I ran out of money so continuing was not possible.
The project was then put in a drawer, I did however manage to get some units produced and my dad was the first one to buy some, maybe out of his good heart. 

Recently at a visit to my parents house, I asked my dad are you happy about your RMS, and his reply was yes very happy, at first i did not think more of it but some days passed by and my mind start to drift, maybe I should do something with this project.
All that thinking is now and as you maybe already know I have decided to make the design available for digital download for a small amount

I am not sure what will be in the future so for now it is what it is. 
This is also my very first blog post ever so don’t lynch me 🙂

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